Friday, 23 March 2012

Strategic Plan 101

While in my first year at the university, every course i did had a 101 attachment at the end
so do not mind my frequent use of 101 because it reminds me of where it all begun.
We all need a place to start. Businesses start from somewhere and in our case this is phase 101.
for businesses, this is not a recipe for success.
But on the same note, if you miss to have a strategy, your business is likely to fail. 
Strategic plan will differ with;
  • Business plan
  • Operational plan   
Therefore, if you are to make a difference this year, get to your drawing board now
these steps will guide you through in to making smart decisions

1. what is it that you do?
You have to have a clear understanding of what you are good at. Something you can do even without pay. Once you identify this, start thinking how you can turn it into profits for you. Whatever it is, it got to be relevant, intelligent, complete, empowering and elegant.

2. Evangelize your product
If people do not know what you do and how it will affect their lives, you are doomed. It will not sell and nobody will ask for it. At this point, market your product/idea to your target customer. sell the benefits and while doing this, win them over. They need to like you before they like what you are doing. you will get to disarm their resistance when they realize you are honest and what the best for them.

3. Launch
With a few people supporting you, you are ready to enter the market. by this time, your passion and drive are entirely what will keep you moving. Opposition will come your way and test how string you are. It is during this stage that businesses fall and fail to materialize. Do not fall in that category of weak hearts. 

4. Endurance
There are brands which have survived the test of time and those which never survived. Are you going to suck up to what others think? will you allow others to decide for you your course? if you think you are small and can not survive in your market, you better pack up and go because you suck. you will be replaced faster than you think.

5. Know your weakness
Do you know everyone you meet are able to do certain things better than you? Use this to your advantage. Learn how you can use others to better yourself. You are not an all round genius, and so you need to network with various people in order to become successful.

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