Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Kenyan Men who won't die!!!! Why Women find them irresistible

Men such as myself will shy away from the face of being deep. I rarely speak deep because it is personal to me. But the height and turn of events in the recent past has totally changed me. I am a proud Kenyan man, I am at a point in my life where I look at my accomplishments and strive for greater heights. Great men in this county are not among the political class, they are not on the social media radar, their names are not pasted on every news paper, and their lives are hidden in their good deeds. Such men touch lives in various ways; they change the society with words unspoken. They are the men who will remind Kenya that out future as a country is still unwritten and that today, we hold the pen and on this blank page, we will design our own vision. We will write it down in the words and images of Kenyans, with reality and perception of our brothers in Turkana, and those still living in IDP. We will map our vision and budget it on the richness of our productivity as a country.

It is in your moment of decision that your destiny is shaped…………Anthony Robbins and now from me to you”
Men have accomplished much and by the time you read the last sentence of this article I shall have accomplished much. Unlike my other posts, today I shall not mention business, but instead my call to action is for you to take a stand, for you to join a worthy course, for you to be part of a great change that will sweep this country off its feet. Let me tell you something you already know

“The world is not all sunshine and rainbows, It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are It will beat you up to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it”
You will face hardships in life, I have had my share, and we all have had our share of hardships as a country. Life is scary, get used to it. There are no magic fixes or magical happenings, so expect non. But there is you, who should not give up when times are hard.
“It aint about how hard you are hit, its about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That is how wining is done” 
 Ask yourself this questions........... 
How bad do i want success?
Am i willing to put in the effort and give it my all?
What am I doing with my life?
Am I living it, or am I just going to some jop that I don’t really wanna be at?
Am I doing some mini-skilled task that am getting paid for yet am not moving forward?
Or am I out there living life on my terms the way I want to live?
Am I doing things I want to do?

In the words of Marianne Williamson..........
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”
Here is the deal;
You have the power to change your life,
You can create your own destiny
If you believe in your dreams and act on them, they materialize

“If you know what you are worth, then go out there and get it. But you have to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers that you aint where you are because of him, her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that is not who you are. You are better that that. ”
Everyone can turn the champion in them loose. It is even great that you are realizing and feeling the power to awaken your champion now. Unleash the champ inside of you and make it happen. As you bask in the awesomeness of your new found potential, know that the world has enough for everyone. Do not sit on this message, share it with somebody, join our socio-business blog and let’s redefine the course of our destiny. I speak to any ordinary young man and woman out there. My friends and their friends as well, this is for you. Unleash the dragon of prowess, and the genius of creativity. No excuses

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Prof George Saitoti died a rich man

“George Sitoti (1945-2012) was a Kenyan politician, businessman, and an American/British trained economist, Mathematician and development policy maker.”

This is the definition of the late Kenyan internal security minister according to Wikipedia.Prof Saitoti and I had a number of things in common, for example;

We are both economists
We ended up in totally unrelated careers in relation to what we studied. 
We are both development oriented
We both have friends in high places (At least I have God on my side)
We are Kenyans and 
We are both businessmen. 

Prof Saitoti and i have been friends long enough for me to write this about him. Our friendship dates back since the day I could watch a black and white TV and the only channel was KBC. I remember the closest I have been with him was watching him over our Panasonic tv set.  I have to admit I hated him, liked him and admired him. To some extend he would have been my role model had he not ventured into politics. ( it is unlike me to blow my own trumpet-forgive my thoughts)

Prof Saitoti died a rich man. According to http://kumekucha.blogspot.com, “Saitoti is fabulously wealthy and has his share of friends in high places with the ability to pull strings in his favor.” This is quite a good thing for the London School of Economics trained economist. But you and I are in less supply of such powerful people. Businessmen and women believe that they can get what they want by simply having connections- at least most people have this mind set. 

The success of Prof Saitoti is one attached with many strings. Regardless, he was still a successful businessman come politician. Many people believe they have to be wealthy in order to run successful businesses, they wait for the day they will have money in order to invest into their dream business, they are hoping that one day they will vie for parliament and win and get all the money like MPs and there after invest in their dream business. I was once this type of a person and I guess you too have had such thoughts. Sorry,but truth be told; that idea of yours, that business concept or whatever it is you want to do, will not see the light of day if this is the mind set you are having.

If you are wondering why I had to bring Prof Saitoti into this discussion, my answer is simple, I wanted to capture your attention and remind you that the future of this country lies not in the political class, or your church leader. Our future is not in the education system or the Aid from China or America. Kenya’s future lies in the hands of the business community and as far as am concern, you are one of them. Today Kenya thrives not only in mobile technology but skilled human capital as well. The supply of Business consultants is in abundance yet we still witness small businesses fail within the first year in operation. Besides what we see, there are also millions who curry great ideas to the grave for reasons best know to them. ideas are gold mines and with the right market consultant, your dream can become a reality. share with us your story, ideas and aspirations and we will help you make it happen. 

By the way, did you know how it begun for Prof Saitoti? 
They say life begins at 40, but for Prof Saitoti, I have to say it begun from the University of Nairobi Mathematics department, when he drove his VW Beetle into the Treasury building parking lot on the day Daniel arap Moi first appointed him Minister for Finance. 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Business Therapy- the story of Mr. Z

Conversation between me and my long time friend Mr Z a few days ago;

  me:    I know ur strengths, weaknesses;
             ur messed up u know
 Mr Z:  what makes you think so?
             i know am messed up.. i have you for a friend is enough evidence

This was the conversation between me and a friend of mine only known to you as Mr. Z. we have been friends for a very long time and here we are, discussing his life story. Mr Z for one, has had issues and from the age of 17, he was seeing a therapist and going for counselling. How many teenagers or young adults start going for counselling at that tender age?   it was clear Z had issues which many people did not see but me. So over one of our many chats recently, I mentioned to him he was messed up and his response (above conversation) was shocking; so having me as a friend is an indication of messed up dudes? This got me thinking and since am designed to think in the context of business, profits and market performance, here is how i rid myself of Mr. Z lies;
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today, but a business consultant...........

Majority of small businesses will not admit they have issues which need to be addressed. As a matter of fact, they have a reason for anything and everything that happens. Mr Z there gave a reason why he is messed up, and I can not agree any less. This is a trait 80% of small businesses share. You think simply because you are good at making hair you can run a successful salon? Being a driver does not guarantee you the ticket to run a successful transport business and on that note, simply because you are the best surgeon does not make you a perfect hospital administrator. Lie, lie, lie. Cheat yourself no more. Be another Mr.Z, who since the age of 17 has been going for therapy yet he thinks I am the cause.

Guilt feelings are common to most small and large business owners. There is so much on your to-do-list that you fear the future of your business. Marketing techniques which worked 5 years ago are not as effective as they were today. If you are feeling your targets are way over your head, trust me you, that is the best feeling and you should act on it. the only way to make your feeling practical, you have to involve other people. there are many small business consultants in Kenya who are ready to work with your small business. Just like psychiatrist is able to help Mr. Z have a normal life, a consultant is able to bring and give life to your business.  

A consultant / business psychiatrist will provide advice in a number of fields. They are able to provide a structured approach to any business related problems. In addition, they will help management team and organizations improve their overall performance. Research has proved that many businesses are not aware of the industries best practices and that is the role business consultant’s play. They are the spark which makes your idea bright, the same spark that lights in the darkness so that you can know your left form your right.

Next time you think about your business or starting a business, you are not alone. There is a consultant ready to work with you are they are quite affordable. keep this in mind;

“ there are about 80% small businesses in Kenya who are faced with the same kind of challenges you are having. How you choose to face and handle your challenges is the number one step to success.”

 Mr. Z is now dating the therapist. I sure don’t blame him, but i still think he is messed up!!!!!! :)

Friday, 15 June 2012

Secret to knowings your Market

Business survival can only be equated to better sales and increased market share. Many problems in a business can be solved by improved marketing.  But as much as marketing may be what your business needs, it presents a special problem which can only be understood by first understanding your market. If you are facing challenged with your market, you are not alone. In Kenya, there are over 1 million small business owners sharing your same predicament. Below are some parameters to use and which will help your evaluate your business and know your market trends before they happen. The following information will get you ahead of your competition as soon as you are done reading.
Business success is not one dimentional statistics, they are human stories with faces, names and voices.......John Assaraf (and now from me to you :) with love)

One may be a solitary figure, but look beyond the number and you will see infinite possibilities. Many minds come together harmoniously to become one. One is significant and just the beginning. One is universal and like a new born child, completely unique.  The business you are operating now, your business idea or concept and you are one. You are the cause of the success and failure in your business. This is one fact you have to get clear if you are going to understand this article. As an individual, you have infinite possibilities which you draw from different sources and here is one place you can get as much information you need regarding your market and market behavior.  Be informed and act out of facts rather then speculation and desires.

Any business person should be able to know how the market behaves. Just like Forex trading, you need to know how certain behavior affect your sales. Below I explain how you can examine your markets without seeking the services of any professional agency. This is a do-it- yourself guide and you will save money while maximizing your profits. It does not matter whether you are one of the 80% SME business owners or the over 50% Kenyans who are looking to start their businesses. This information is right for you and you don’t have to be worried of joining the statistics businesses which close their doors within the first year of operation.

Every business owner has to systematically analyze the market in question using some fundamental market evaluation criteria.  Before investing on any marketing action, you have to determine if the market you are after makes sense for your business or not. Doing what I call a “PASS/FAIL” test on your targeted market is very important. Weigh all the attributes of any given market and this will help you figure the direction your company or business is taking. Here are some market attributes you can make use of, they will help you know who your market are, what they are after, how you can out perform your competition and other related issues.

The mentioned attributes cover a number of business sectors and therefore feel free to use what applies to your business.

Can you identify the need of the market in regards to your product application?
The market allows for effective competitive advantage for all businesses without segregation. What is your competitive advantage?
The market will offer opportunities for both product and service which sell benefits. What is the benefit dose your products have?
Markets dose not require large number of products/services to effectively compete.
Your market share will be depended on the product /service value.
Do you know you can legally protect your product or service to avoid people stealing your concept and ideas? (seek legal guidelines on this issue if you have new ideas)
The market offers every business relatively consistent purchase loyalty. So if you can build a loyal customer, your business will be on its way to setting the right base.
In this day and age, markets do not require extraordinary distribution requirements.
Your market is dominated by well known competitors and suppliers. Do you know them?
A behavior about market you have to note is that markets have reputable competition, a quality image and history and so you need to keep up with your brand image.
Barriers to entry will always exist in most markets, that will bring you to the question, are you worthy of the market and can you overcome such shortcomings?
Markets have proven history of growth; can you identify your growth rate?

Being able to apply the stated attributes with respect to your industry should provide you with adequate data of your market. You will be able to identify your competition, market participants, their market share and involvement.  Evaluating business opportunities should be well though out, straight forward and iterative process. The more effective your analysis is, the greater your probability on maximizing your return on investment.

If this was helpful to you, spread the word and lets harmoniously be ONE.