Thursday, 21 June 2012

Prof George Saitoti died a rich man

“George Sitoti (1945-2012) was a Kenyan politician, businessman, and an American/British trained economist, Mathematician and development policy maker.”

This is the definition of the late Kenyan internal security minister according to Wikipedia.Prof Saitoti and I had a number of things in common, for example;

We are both economists
We ended up in totally unrelated careers in relation to what we studied. 
We are both development oriented
We both have friends in high places (At least I have God on my side)
We are Kenyans and 
We are both businessmen. 

Prof Saitoti and i have been friends long enough for me to write this about him. Our friendship dates back since the day I could watch a black and white TV and the only channel was KBC. I remember the closest I have been with him was watching him over our Panasonic tv set.  I have to admit I hated him, liked him and admired him. To some extend he would have been my role model had he not ventured into politics. ( it is unlike me to blow my own trumpet-forgive my thoughts)

Prof Saitoti died a rich man. According to, “Saitoti is fabulously wealthy and has his share of friends in high places with the ability to pull strings in his favor.” This is quite a good thing for the London School of Economics trained economist. But you and I are in less supply of such powerful people. Businessmen and women believe that they can get what they want by simply having connections- at least most people have this mind set. 

The success of Prof Saitoti is one attached with many strings. Regardless, he was still a successful businessman come politician. Many people believe they have to be wealthy in order to run successful businesses, they wait for the day they will have money in order to invest into their dream business, they are hoping that one day they will vie for parliament and win and get all the money like MPs and there after invest in their dream business. I was once this type of a person and I guess you too have had such thoughts. Sorry,but truth be told; that idea of yours, that business concept or whatever it is you want to do, will not see the light of day if this is the mind set you are having.

If you are wondering why I had to bring Prof Saitoti into this discussion, my answer is simple, I wanted to capture your attention and remind you that the future of this country lies not in the political class, or your church leader. Our future is not in the education system or the Aid from China or America. Kenya’s future lies in the hands of the business community and as far as am concern, you are one of them. Today Kenya thrives not only in mobile technology but skilled human capital as well. The supply of Business consultants is in abundance yet we still witness small businesses fail within the first year in operation. Besides what we see, there are also millions who curry great ideas to the grave for reasons best know to them. ideas are gold mines and with the right market consultant, your dream can become a reality. share with us your story, ideas and aspirations and we will help you make it happen. 

By the way, did you know how it begun for Prof Saitoti? 
They say life begins at 40, but for Prof Saitoti, I have to say it begun from the University of Nairobi Mathematics department, when he drove his VW Beetle into the Treasury building parking lot on the day Daniel arap Moi first appointed him Minister for Finance. 

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