Monday, 18 June 2012

Business Therapy- the story of Mr. Z

Conversation between me and my long time friend Mr Z a few days ago;

  me:    I know ur strengths, weaknesses;
             ur messed up u know
 Mr Z:  what makes you think so?
             i know am messed up.. i have you for a friend is enough evidence

This was the conversation between me and a friend of mine only known to you as Mr. Z. we have been friends for a very long time and here we are, discussing his life story. Mr Z for one, has had issues and from the age of 17, he was seeing a therapist and going for counselling. How many teenagers or young adults start going for counselling at that tender age?   it was clear Z had issues which many people did not see but me. So over one of our many chats recently, I mentioned to him he was messed up and his response (above conversation) was shocking; so having me as a friend is an indication of messed up dudes? This got me thinking and since am designed to think in the context of business, profits and market performance, here is how i rid myself of Mr. Z lies;
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today, but a business consultant...........

Majority of small businesses will not admit they have issues which need to be addressed. As a matter of fact, they have a reason for anything and everything that happens. Mr Z there gave a reason why he is messed up, and I can not agree any less. This is a trait 80% of small businesses share. You think simply because you are good at making hair you can run a successful salon? Being a driver does not guarantee you the ticket to run a successful transport business and on that note, simply because you are the best surgeon does not make you a perfect hospital administrator. Lie, lie, lie. Cheat yourself no more. Be another Mr.Z, who since the age of 17 has been going for therapy yet he thinks I am the cause.

Guilt feelings are common to most small and large business owners. There is so much on your to-do-list that you fear the future of your business. Marketing techniques which worked 5 years ago are not as effective as they were today. If you are feeling your targets are way over your head, trust me you, that is the best feeling and you should act on it. the only way to make your feeling practical, you have to involve other people. there are many small business consultants in Kenya who are ready to work with your small business. Just like psychiatrist is able to help Mr. Z have a normal life, a consultant is able to bring and give life to your business.  

A consultant / business psychiatrist will provide advice in a number of fields. They are able to provide a structured approach to any business related problems. In addition, they will help management team and organizations improve their overall performance. Research has proved that many businesses are not aware of the industries best practices and that is the role business consultant’s play. They are the spark which makes your idea bright, the same spark that lights in the darkness so that you can know your left form your right.

Next time you think about your business or starting a business, you are not alone. There is a consultant ready to work with you are they are quite affordable. keep this in mind;

“ there are about 80% small businesses in Kenya who are faced with the same kind of challenges you are having. How you choose to face and handle your challenges is the number one step to success.”

 Mr. Z is now dating the therapist. I sure don’t blame him, but i still think he is messed up!!!!!! :)

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