Saturday, 15 September 2012

It’s strange what actually motivates people.......(%Present Outlook)

This morning I overheard someone complaining about how the lady at the coffee shop was rude to them. They were really irate; irate enough to say “I’m going to write a letter!”

Wow that lady at the coffee shop must have been really rude. What did she do, was she foul mouthed? Did she rip them off? Nope, the story wasn’t interesting at all. She was just a little rude, not even much at all, she probably hadn’t had her morning coffee herself.

This isn't interesting in itself, but the interesting thing is this – how many other letters has this person written this year? Probably none. So the single most motivating factor in the world for them, the one thing that makes them want to write a letter and take action is a rude lady in a coffee shop.

  • Not war, violence and bloodshed,
  • Not the irresponsible use of nuclear power,
  • Not corrupt politics,
  • Not starving children,
  • Not business insecurity. 

Just a rude lady in a coffee shop.

This is why the world is the way it is! We’re caring about the wrong things!

Forget rude ladies in coffee shops. Forget bus drivers that drive past your stop. Forget meaningless celebrity scandals. Forget these and all the rest of the meaningless clatter of our everyday lives. Let’s concentrate on the real issues in the world today. Let’s take action on the important things.

Let’s write letters about things that actually matter!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Kenyan Men who won't die!!!! Why Women find them irresistible

Men such as myself will shy away from the face of being deep. I rarely speak deep because it is personal to me. But the height and turn of events in the recent past has totally changed me. I am a proud Kenyan man, I am at a point in my life where I look at my accomplishments and strive for greater heights. Great men in this county are not among the political class, they are not on the social media radar, their names are not pasted on every news paper, and their lives are hidden in their good deeds. Such men touch lives in various ways; they change the society with words unspoken. They are the men who will remind Kenya that out future as a country is still unwritten and that today, we hold the pen and on this blank page, we will design our own vision. We will write it down in the words and images of Kenyans, with reality and perception of our brothers in Turkana, and those still living in IDP. We will map our vision and budget it on the richness of our productivity as a country.

It is in your moment of decision that your destiny is shaped…………Anthony Robbins and now from me to you”
Men have accomplished much and by the time you read the last sentence of this article I shall have accomplished much. Unlike my other posts, today I shall not mention business, but instead my call to action is for you to take a stand, for you to join a worthy course, for you to be part of a great change that will sweep this country off its feet. Let me tell you something you already know

“The world is not all sunshine and rainbows, It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are It will beat you up to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it”
You will face hardships in life, I have had my share, and we all have had our share of hardships as a country. Life is scary, get used to it. There are no magic fixes or magical happenings, so expect non. But there is you, who should not give up when times are hard.
“It aint about how hard you are hit, its about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That is how wining is done” 
 Ask yourself this questions........... 
How bad do i want success?
Am i willing to put in the effort and give it my all?
What am I doing with my life?
Am I living it, or am I just going to some jop that I don’t really wanna be at?
Am I doing some mini-skilled task that am getting paid for yet am not moving forward?
Or am I out there living life on my terms the way I want to live?
Am I doing things I want to do?

In the words of Marianne Williamson..........
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”
Here is the deal;
You have the power to change your life,
You can create your own destiny
If you believe in your dreams and act on them, they materialize

“If you know what you are worth, then go out there and get it. But you have to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers that you aint where you are because of him, her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that is not who you are. You are better that that. ”
Everyone can turn the champion in them loose. It is even great that you are realizing and feeling the power to awaken your champion now. Unleash the champ inside of you and make it happen. As you bask in the awesomeness of your new found potential, know that the world has enough for everyone. Do not sit on this message, share it with somebody, join our socio-business blog and let’s redefine the course of our destiny. I speak to any ordinary young man and woman out there. My friends and their friends as well, this is for you. Unleash the dragon of prowess, and the genius of creativity. No excuses

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Prof George Saitoti died a rich man

“George Sitoti (1945-2012) was a Kenyan politician, businessman, and an American/British trained economist, Mathematician and development policy maker.”

This is the definition of the late Kenyan internal security minister according to Wikipedia.Prof Saitoti and I had a number of things in common, for example;

We are both economists
We ended up in totally unrelated careers in relation to what we studied. 
We are both development oriented
We both have friends in high places (At least I have God on my side)
We are Kenyans and 
We are both businessmen. 

Prof Saitoti and i have been friends long enough for me to write this about him. Our friendship dates back since the day I could watch a black and white TV and the only channel was KBC. I remember the closest I have been with him was watching him over our Panasonic tv set.  I have to admit I hated him, liked him and admired him. To some extend he would have been my role model had he not ventured into politics. ( it is unlike me to blow my own trumpet-forgive my thoughts)

Prof Saitoti died a rich man. According to, “Saitoti is fabulously wealthy and has his share of friends in high places with the ability to pull strings in his favor.” This is quite a good thing for the London School of Economics trained economist. But you and I are in less supply of such powerful people. Businessmen and women believe that they can get what they want by simply having connections- at least most people have this mind set. 

The success of Prof Saitoti is one attached with many strings. Regardless, he was still a successful businessman come politician. Many people believe they have to be wealthy in order to run successful businesses, they wait for the day they will have money in order to invest into their dream business, they are hoping that one day they will vie for parliament and win and get all the money like MPs and there after invest in their dream business. I was once this type of a person and I guess you too have had such thoughts. Sorry,but truth be told; that idea of yours, that business concept or whatever it is you want to do, will not see the light of day if this is the mind set you are having.

If you are wondering why I had to bring Prof Saitoti into this discussion, my answer is simple, I wanted to capture your attention and remind you that the future of this country lies not in the political class, or your church leader. Our future is not in the education system or the Aid from China or America. Kenya’s future lies in the hands of the business community and as far as am concern, you are one of them. Today Kenya thrives not only in mobile technology but skilled human capital as well. The supply of Business consultants is in abundance yet we still witness small businesses fail within the first year in operation. Besides what we see, there are also millions who curry great ideas to the grave for reasons best know to them. ideas are gold mines and with the right market consultant, your dream can become a reality. share with us your story, ideas and aspirations and we will help you make it happen. 

By the way, did you know how it begun for Prof Saitoti? 
They say life begins at 40, but for Prof Saitoti, I have to say it begun from the University of Nairobi Mathematics department, when he drove his VW Beetle into the Treasury building parking lot on the day Daniel arap Moi first appointed him Minister for Finance. 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Business Therapy- the story of Mr. Z

Conversation between me and my long time friend Mr Z a few days ago;

  me:    I know ur strengths, weaknesses;
             ur messed up u know
 Mr Z:  what makes you think so?
             i know am messed up.. i have you for a friend is enough evidence

This was the conversation between me and a friend of mine only known to you as Mr. Z. we have been friends for a very long time and here we are, discussing his life story. Mr Z for one, has had issues and from the age of 17, he was seeing a therapist and going for counselling. How many teenagers or young adults start going for counselling at that tender age?   it was clear Z had issues which many people did not see but me. So over one of our many chats recently, I mentioned to him he was messed up and his response (above conversation) was shocking; so having me as a friend is an indication of messed up dudes? This got me thinking and since am designed to think in the context of business, profits and market performance, here is how i rid myself of Mr. Z lies;
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today, but a business consultant...........

Majority of small businesses will not admit they have issues which need to be addressed. As a matter of fact, they have a reason for anything and everything that happens. Mr Z there gave a reason why he is messed up, and I can not agree any less. This is a trait 80% of small businesses share. You think simply because you are good at making hair you can run a successful salon? Being a driver does not guarantee you the ticket to run a successful transport business and on that note, simply because you are the best surgeon does not make you a perfect hospital administrator. Lie, lie, lie. Cheat yourself no more. Be another Mr.Z, who since the age of 17 has been going for therapy yet he thinks I am the cause.

Guilt feelings are common to most small and large business owners. There is so much on your to-do-list that you fear the future of your business. Marketing techniques which worked 5 years ago are not as effective as they were today. If you are feeling your targets are way over your head, trust me you, that is the best feeling and you should act on it. the only way to make your feeling practical, you have to involve other people. there are many small business consultants in Kenya who are ready to work with your small business. Just like psychiatrist is able to help Mr. Z have a normal life, a consultant is able to bring and give life to your business.  

A consultant / business psychiatrist will provide advice in a number of fields. They are able to provide a structured approach to any business related problems. In addition, they will help management team and organizations improve their overall performance. Research has proved that many businesses are not aware of the industries best practices and that is the role business consultant’s play. They are the spark which makes your idea bright, the same spark that lights in the darkness so that you can know your left form your right.

Next time you think about your business or starting a business, you are not alone. There is a consultant ready to work with you are they are quite affordable. keep this in mind;

“ there are about 80% small businesses in Kenya who are faced with the same kind of challenges you are having. How you choose to face and handle your challenges is the number one step to success.”

 Mr. Z is now dating the therapist. I sure don’t blame him, but i still think he is messed up!!!!!! :)

Friday, 15 June 2012

Secret to knowings your Market

Business survival can only be equated to better sales and increased market share. Many problems in a business can be solved by improved marketing.  But as much as marketing may be what your business needs, it presents a special problem which can only be understood by first understanding your market. If you are facing challenged with your market, you are not alone. In Kenya, there are over 1 million small business owners sharing your same predicament. Below are some parameters to use and which will help your evaluate your business and know your market trends before they happen. The following information will get you ahead of your competition as soon as you are done reading.
Business success is not one dimentional statistics, they are human stories with faces, names and voices.......John Assaraf (and now from me to you :) with love)

One may be a solitary figure, but look beyond the number and you will see infinite possibilities. Many minds come together harmoniously to become one. One is significant and just the beginning. One is universal and like a new born child, completely unique.  The business you are operating now, your business idea or concept and you are one. You are the cause of the success and failure in your business. This is one fact you have to get clear if you are going to understand this article. As an individual, you have infinite possibilities which you draw from different sources and here is one place you can get as much information you need regarding your market and market behavior.  Be informed and act out of facts rather then speculation and desires.

Any business person should be able to know how the market behaves. Just like Forex trading, you need to know how certain behavior affect your sales. Below I explain how you can examine your markets without seeking the services of any professional agency. This is a do-it- yourself guide and you will save money while maximizing your profits. It does not matter whether you are one of the 80% SME business owners or the over 50% Kenyans who are looking to start their businesses. This information is right for you and you don’t have to be worried of joining the statistics businesses which close their doors within the first year of operation.

Every business owner has to systematically analyze the market in question using some fundamental market evaluation criteria.  Before investing on any marketing action, you have to determine if the market you are after makes sense for your business or not. Doing what I call a “PASS/FAIL” test on your targeted market is very important. Weigh all the attributes of any given market and this will help you figure the direction your company or business is taking. Here are some market attributes you can make use of, they will help you know who your market are, what they are after, how you can out perform your competition and other related issues.

The mentioned attributes cover a number of business sectors and therefore feel free to use what applies to your business.

Can you identify the need of the market in regards to your product application?
The market allows for effective competitive advantage for all businesses without segregation. What is your competitive advantage?
The market will offer opportunities for both product and service which sell benefits. What is the benefit dose your products have?
Markets dose not require large number of products/services to effectively compete.
Your market share will be depended on the product /service value.
Do you know you can legally protect your product or service to avoid people stealing your concept and ideas? (seek legal guidelines on this issue if you have new ideas)
The market offers every business relatively consistent purchase loyalty. So if you can build a loyal customer, your business will be on its way to setting the right base.
In this day and age, markets do not require extraordinary distribution requirements.
Your market is dominated by well known competitors and suppliers. Do you know them?
A behavior about market you have to note is that markets have reputable competition, a quality image and history and so you need to keep up with your brand image.
Barriers to entry will always exist in most markets, that will bring you to the question, are you worthy of the market and can you overcome such shortcomings?
Markets have proven history of growth; can you identify your growth rate?

Being able to apply the stated attributes with respect to your industry should provide you with adequate data of your market. You will be able to identify your competition, market participants, their market share and involvement.  Evaluating business opportunities should be well though out, straight forward and iterative process. The more effective your analysis is, the greater your probability on maximizing your return on investment.

If this was helpful to you, spread the word and lets harmoniously be ONE.

Monday, 14 May 2012

I pRomiSe MySeLf

Since my last post its been ages.
I have been reading my own post and i looked at the one titled "E.R.I.C"
Then there was that one titled "insane targets". i am so torched and i feel right writing this
People, just like businesses, need to have some input. You and i need to fuel our feelings
Feeling better does not come out of the blues, and so is the feeling of awkwardness.
So here is what i promise myself:

  • i promise myself that i will live up to my expectation
  • i promise myself that nothing will stand in my way to my dream realization
  • i promise myself that i am a man of big faith.
  • i promise myself to make POSSIBLE the impossible.
  • i promise myself to make succeed everything on my vision board
  • i promise myself the to run the most successful consulting firm in the country
  • i promise myself the help others realize their dreams
  • i promise myself to never look back but keep moving 
  • i promise myself that i know i can, i will and have to get what i want
  • i promise myself .....................................(fill this with your own words)
This goes out to anyone of you out there who is thinking of starting their business or growing it 
promise yourself what it is you want. it will happen. 
Release the right frequency to the world and the world will respond
Everything you have ever wanted will be aligned for you the way you want it and how you want it
Human beings are the most powerful beings on the planet earth and with this power you can be or do anything you want. There is only one you and you will never be cloned or duplicated. Stop your life rehearsal, life is not meant to be understood, it is suppose to be lived. 

If you promise yourself and want to be part of the great change you want to see, be one with yourself and join hands with us. you do not have to be in business school to know how to run a successful one. there are farmers, owing estates, teachers with own schools, students with own matatus, policemen with their own chemists. so what makes you think you can not? how long are you going to stay employed? this about this and share with me your story. i have the solution you need.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Experience- the most abused English Word

Here is the definition according to Wikipedia:

 "Experience as a general concept comprises knowledge of or skill of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event.
This is one topic i feel honored to share about because it reminds me of the many news paper ads i have seen; which always and will never miss this line"applicant must have XX years of experience in XX filed."
More often am left to wonder how long this trend will last?? 
I think it is high time someone knocks some sense into our respectable and noble employers

The job market is competitive and there are changing trends everyday.As much as employers fear the Y generation, 
we got all the solutions to their problems.
We hold the ideas, the faith, the desire, 
and the freedom to grow any organisation. 
And experience is just but and excuse which is used by employers who fear the power of generation Y. 
the following is a true story in which i was the victim;

A local real estate company heard about my skills and asked for a meeting with me,

we held a fruitful meeting where they outlined what they wanted me to do for the business and that in return, i would be made the head of a department in the company. i set out and worked on the project for two weeks and presented my recommendation and findings. sorry to say, that was the last time we met. 

I was told to expect a call that has never come by. In the preceding weeks 
Some of my ideas and recommendations being implemented by that company without my authorization. Weeks later, the gentle man (owner of the company) decides to come out clean. He mentioned to a friend of mine and i quote "that the little boy is good, he is brilliant and smart.
 but before he can start practicing consultancy, he needs EXPERIENCE".

I have come to realize that it is never about experience, this gentleman went ahead and implemented my ideas yet often we are told we need experience. this is just an excuse that is being used to sideline what power and change we can bring to the society. My passion and interest will lead me into learning everything there is to know in my field of interest. it is the same knowledge that will make me an expert in my desired field. therefore, experience is gained while in the field and not before. 

"If experience was so important, we'd never have had anyone walk on the moon.
  ~Doug Rader"
 "You do not have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.
~Les Brown"

So my dear friend, if you are going to be somebody, or do something, let no one tell you you have no experience to be what you want. everything, you are is a result of what you attract, it is a result of what you see when you look yourself in the mirror.

There is more to this topic and we will look at it in details in our next blog. If you like and share similar sentiments, ensure you join our blog and invite your friends as well. 

Saturday, 24 March 2012

It Took me 24 years to know this

Its 24th March 2012 and i have realized that is how long i have been on this earth
this Saturday i choose to reflect on what i have learned over the years

1-The Glass If Half-Empty Or Half Full
Whatever way you look at it is how it is. Every situation you are in can be seen from a negative or from a positive perspective. I don’t like negative people, so I always try to see everything from a half-full perspective. It makes life more enjoyable!

2-Complaining Gets You Nowhere
Life is unfair. Get used to it. Sometimes you are the underdog and you get handed the crappiest hand out of everyone. Complaining about how unfair or how difficult something is will not make your life better. It’s going to make you suffer and it’s going to cause others to get seriously annoyed with you.
Don’t complain. Take action and change what’s bothering you!

3-There Is No Free Lunch
Promises of free gifts, free education, free money…99.9% of the time they are a trick. There is always something attached to it, because hardly anyone does something for free.
Don’t count on a free lunch, work hard for your own success. Every now and then you may get lucky and someone will genuinely offer you a free lunch, in that case, enjoy it!

4-Easy Success Doesn’t Exist
Overnight success or instant millions only exist if you win the lottery or inherit a fortune.
Yeah you might get lucky sometimes, or have an amazing idea like the creators of Youtube did. Most of the time it takes a damn long time and a lot of hard work to achieve success. This is not a bad thing, and it’s not a problem at all. Just be prepared to work hard.

5-Girls Are Awesome
Haha, kind of random. But I love girls. They’re so…girly and feminine. They have this awesome energy that makes me feel so alive.
Yeah they can be dramatic, and illogical and confusing…but that’s the biggest reason why they are so awesome. Life would be rather dull without girls :)

6-Failure Teaches You A Lot About Yourself And The World
Even though I’m just 24, I’ve succeeded and failed more times than most people have in a lifetime.
Initially I always thought that failure was devastating, that it meant I was not a worthy human being and that I should bury my head in shame. Luckily I learned that failure is an essential part of growth and success.
The more you fail, the more you learn and the closer you get to succeeding.
The most important thing to remember about failure can be summed up in this fantastic quote by Will Smith:
“Don’t let failure get to your heart and don’t let success get to your head”.

7-Not Everything Has A Happy Ending
Life is not the movies, and bad things can happen to you. You can get sick, you can have accidents, you can get beat up, you can lose money.
Once again, don’t let it get to you. Keep your heart stainless. If things get bad, move through it as best you can and stay optimistic.

8-There Are Some Really Bad,Evil And Nasty People In The World
Unfortunately not everyone is good. There are some truly nasty, destructive and hateful people out there. They will purposely go out of their way to make you miserable or to destroy what you are trying to build up.
Stay away from those kinds of people and if they don’t want to listen, kick their ass :P (just kidding)

9-There Are A Lot Of Good People In The World

I would say that there are much more good than bad people. While most people may be inherently good and on a neutral level, there are also many people who go out of their way to make a difference.
These are the kinds of people that you want in your life. Make friends with them, respect them and try and be one of these good people yourself.

10-You Can Live With Less
You don’t need a mansion in every continent, or a Ferrari, or $10 million in the bank.
Although money is certainly nice to have and something to strive for, you can be perfectly happy with a small apartment, great friends, an awesome girl and enough money to pay the monthly bills.

11-Friends Are (Very) Important

In fact, I’d go as far as saying that having a couple of true friends in your life is absolutely essential to your happiness. There’s nothing like having a friend who you can count on, who will do anything for you and who’s always keen to hang out or start an adventure with you.
If you have these kind of friendships, don’t let them fade. Hold on to them because they are priceless!

12-There Is Always Someone Better
There is always someone who is better than you in everything. Even if you are the best in the world at what you do, it’s just a matter of time before someone comes along who will be better than you.
This is not a bad thing at all. Try your best and strive to keep getting better, but don’t get hung up and frustrated because there are others out there who are better than you. That’s going to make you miserable.

13-Even When You Think You Suck, You’re Awesome
There will be times in your life when you feel like a useless douchebag. You may think you suck at something, you may think you are a failure or you may feel like the biggest idiot in the world.
Truth is that everyone feels that way sometimes. No matter how much you think you suck, there are people out there who look up to you and who respect you. You still have awesome qualities…so don’t ever forget that. You’re already perfect!

14-Treat Others As You Want Others To Treat You
Do you believe in karma? Well, whether you do or don’t, I really believe that you will get treated in the same way as you treat others.
If you’re a good person and you’re nice to others, this will likely happen to you. If you’re an ass to people and treat them like crap, at some point it will feel like the whole world is turning against you because you will get back what you sent out.
You will reap what you sow. So sow positivity!

15-Always Expect The Unexpected
Hardly anything ever goes as planned. That’s life and that is what makes life awesome.
You never know at what point your perfect life is going to crumble or at which point your crappy life is going to turn awesome. Try to think about possible situations that could happen and be prepared how to act in case those situations occur.

16-Your Ego Is Your Downfall
Your ego is a nasty thing. It can cause arrogance, over-confidence and stupidity if you’re not wanting to admit you are wrong and still carry on going.
I have learned that it is best to remove my ego from all situations. If I’m doing something purely for validation or pride…I ask myself if there is any other reason why I’m doing it. If not…then it’s just my ego wanting attention and I usually don’t do it.

17-You Can Learn Something From Everyone
No matter how smart or how dumb someone may seem, I really think that everyone has some golden nugget of wisdom to share. Whether it is a way of eating, a handy little trick to get something done or an age-old wisdom…never think that you can’t learn something from someone.

18-You Can Make Something From Nothing
You can start off with absolutely nothing and build a massive empire. You can create products or items that millions of people across the world will use.
You can write articles that hundreds of thousands of people will read. If you can imagine it, you can create it.

19-It’s Nice To Help People
One of the most rewarding things to do in life is to help someone else improve their life in some way.
If you can share your knowledge or skills with someone. Even just help someone out with a place to stay or a loan for them to start a business, you can make a world of difference.
Sometimes a smile is all it takes for you to help someone have a better day.

20- Work Smarter, Not Harder
Ridiculous hard work usually makes you more successful than others.
What will really make you successful beyond your wildest dreams is working ridiculously hard following the smartest and most proven to work methods.
I can work really hard and dig a huge hole in my garden. Will that make me successful? No! (Unless I find gold). But if I work really hard on creating something that everyone needs, that is going to make me wildly successful.
Work smarter, not necessarily harder.

21-Never Stop Learning
Life is one constant school. From the moment you are born you start to learn, and I think the biggest mistake a person can make is to stop learning.
Always keep reading, books are awesome. Keep interacting with people, make connections, learn new skills. Keep trying new things, do something that you have never done before.

22- Boondocks Is The Most Awesome Movie Ever
Out of the hundreds of movies I have seen, my best and favorite is the boondocks animated series.
Its fun, hilarious and very controversial . It brings out various aspects of the society and all the characters in us.Love, hate, youth, work, leadership, social life etc.  On top of it all, it’s a movie you can watch every year of your life without it ever getting boring!

23-Your Health Is Everything
All the success, fame, money and friends in the world mean nothing if your health is so bad that you can’t enjoy life.
Take good care of your body and your health by exercising, meditating and eating healthy!

24-Good Or Bad – It’s Awesome Being Alive
I don’t understand people who say “Life sucks” or “Life is unfair”.
Life is the most awesome thing that you have…ever. Yeah it may be difficult, it may seem impossible to get anywhere and you may have been dealt crappy cards.
But as long as you are alive you have the possibility to achieve anything you want. The mere fact of being able to see, smell, hear, touch and taste is incredible.
Enjoy the awesomeness of life, and appreciate every moment that you have!

(%upgrade reality.)

Friday, 23 March 2012

Strategic Plan 101

While in my first year at the university, every course i did had a 101 attachment at the end
so do not mind my frequent use of 101 because it reminds me of where it all begun.
We all need a place to start. Businesses start from somewhere and in our case this is phase 101.
for businesses, this is not a recipe for success.
But on the same note, if you miss to have a strategy, your business is likely to fail. 
Strategic plan will differ with;
  • Business plan
  • Operational plan   
Therefore, if you are to make a difference this year, get to your drawing board now
these steps will guide you through in to making smart decisions

1. what is it that you do?
You have to have a clear understanding of what you are good at. Something you can do even without pay. Once you identify this, start thinking how you can turn it into profits for you. Whatever it is, it got to be relevant, intelligent, complete, empowering and elegant.

2. Evangelize your product
If people do not know what you do and how it will affect their lives, you are doomed. It will not sell and nobody will ask for it. At this point, market your product/idea to your target customer. sell the benefits and while doing this, win them over. They need to like you before they like what you are doing. you will get to disarm their resistance when they realize you are honest and what the best for them.

3. Launch
With a few people supporting you, you are ready to enter the market. by this time, your passion and drive are entirely what will keep you moving. Opposition will come your way and test how string you are. It is during this stage that businesses fall and fail to materialize. Do not fall in that category of weak hearts. 

4. Endurance
There are brands which have survived the test of time and those which never survived. Are you going to suck up to what others think? will you allow others to decide for you your course? if you think you are small and can not survive in your market, you better pack up and go because you suck. you will be replaced faster than you think.

5. Know your weakness
Do you know everyone you meet are able to do certain things better than you? Use this to your advantage. Learn how you can use others to better yourself. You are not an all round genius, and so you need to network with various people in order to become successful.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

There is nothing wrong with being radical:

Insane targets!!!! hope they are not eating you up. 
You need some room for this:-

Getting success in 2012 is all about sticking to the rule book;
Here is where it all started. (% open forum)

1. Break rules, not hearts
When you break a rule for somebody, you create an act of flexibility in a moment of need. You demonstrate that at your company, every customer is the exception. And you prove that you’re willing to lose something on the first interaction to guarantee a lifetime of loyalty.  When was the last time you went off script?

2. Conduct symphonies, not transactions
Once on a weekend vacation, we stumbled into a charming art gallery. My girlfriend ended up buying this fabulous beaded necklace at a great price. Later, while she was in the bathroom, the owner secretly asked me for her address so she could send Brittany a personalized, hand written thank you note. So I gave it to her. By the time we returned home, the card had already arrived. That’s not service—that’s music. Do your customers evangelize when you’re gone?

3. Deliver inspiration, not packages
During my cousin’s wedding ceremony, there was a traditional blessing over the wine. But he and his bride also performed a new ritual: Spilling a drop of wine. According to Collin, this act recognizes those couples that are not given equal rights. Couples who aren’t as fortunate as he and Robin. As such, it wasn’t just a drop of wine—it was a drop of hope. And those of us lucky to witness that would never think about marital equality the same way again. That’s when it occurred to me: Sometimes you have to make a mess to make a statement. I wonder whom you might inspire by getting your hands dirty. What if you did that on camera?

4. Earn respect, not money
Last month I designed a Brandtag Identity Collage for my client, Closeouts With Class. When I asked their chairman to share his thoughts on respect, here’s what he said: “Respect buys loyalty. It makes your employees stay, makes your customers buy, makes your suppliers sell and makes your competitors drool.” Respect is your baseline. And if you treat it as your intentional commitment, the incidental result (money) will eventually come. Are you helping people feel more respected every time they deal with you?

5. Give gifts, not burdens
If it doesn’t change the recipient, it’s not a gift. If you oblige people to reciprocate, it’s not a gift. And if you make people work hard to get it, it’s not a gift. What you give has to alter people. It has to fill their heart, not clutter their desk. Otherwise all you’ve done is add to the slush pile. Meanwhile, they end up with an office full of useless nouns. When it would have been smarter to give the gift of social elevation, perhaps by giving them a front row seat to their own brilliance. That’s what my friend Derek does. When any of his employees win—in any way—he goes out of his way to blog about it. What gift are you famous for giving?

6. Inject soul, not machinery
Customers need you to bring humanity to the moment. They need you to show up, even when it’s hard. Sadly, this is where smart companies blow it: They try to meet budget by outsourcing the human function. Instead of talking to human operators, customers get robots. Instead of interacting with desk agents, customers get kiosks. And instead of getting an actual e-mail from real person, customers get autoresponders. Meanwhile, all customers want is to be treated like people, by people. Where are you sacrificing experiences for expenses? - THIS DEPENDS ON WHERE AND WHEN

7. Keep commitments, not secrets
Personally, I use a name tag. And not just the sticker—the tattoo of that sticker on my body. Can’t get more committed than that. I wonder what object you will employ to show people you’re not going away. After all: When you commit with both feet, people don’t just pay attention, they pay dividends. What single act have you done every day for the past 10 years?

8. Leave artifacts, not brochures
An artifact is worth saving and sharing. It’s a unique way to extend the influence of your work. And it’s the souvenir you leave with people that has the potential to change and inspire them. At my favorite coffee spot, The Mud House, the owner makes latte art. When your cup of java is prepared, Casey carefully crafts a portrait, landscape or flower into the foam of your drink. It’s a combination of foam, chocolate and cinnamon. And she even does custom orders, should there be a particular image you’d prefer. That’s an artifact: Done by hand, done with love. And your challenge is to figure out how to stop wasting paper and start leaving something behind that matters. Does your fancy brochure actually influence customer decisions?

9. Send love letters, not pitches
Love isn’t a weakness—love is the bell that’s always ringing. The question is: Is your brand brave enough to hear it? Simplifilm certainly is. They’re a video production firm run by my friend Chris Johnson. When he finds a dream client, he doesn’t assault them with an endless stream of marketing materials and sales literature. Instead, he sends them an e-mail that reads: “We love you guys a ton. We wrote you a love letter. I know it’s tacky, but we can’t help ourselves. And although we have more than plenty of business, we want you. We believe what you do is vitally important.” Once a prospect reads the love letter, it’s pretty damn hard to resist. The point is: Your brand is measured by how you love. Lead with your heart. Will you tell customers you love them before somebody else does?

10.  Build bridges, not barriers
If it were just you, it would be hard to survive. If it were just you, there would be nobody to lean against. And if it were just you, there would be nobody to keep you on your toes. If you want to build a bridge to your competitors, treat them like partners. Take a hint from Progressive Insurance. Almost 20 years ago, they became the first auto insurance company to provide its rates alongside the rates of other companies. That way, consumers could easily compare and decide—even if they didn’t use Progressive. And today, they still lead the industry. Because they’re willing to share in almost every direction. How could you convert your competitors into a power source?

Remember: There’s nothing wrong with being radical.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


This has been one interesting month for me. 
I had my two weeks holiday in Nairobi and partly in Machakos. 
 Cupid had all the evil in store for me. he used a gun on me 
and as much as people were merry making, i was doing the opposite
Most businesses have done well this month and on this day, we reflect back 
Look at where we have come from and where we are headed. 

Today, February the 29, is an extra day added to you by God. 
To have a new beginning, refresh, and walk into March heads high. 
Talking of which, how are your insane targets and are you drawing near or far from them?
If truth be told today, what have you been up to?
how did your list look like??????
Are you living the dream ? what do i/you have to show for the past 60 days 2012 has given us?
If your vision is not too clear, look again, because you will appreciate this: 
"There are many beginnings in our lives, we should be willing to begin as many times as there are beginnings..." ## by :
  This is just a come back and stay with that thought in your head. regardless of how things were, where or what happened, you can make a new start,a fresh start awaits you and you have all the reasons to be the best you the world has ever seen.


Friday, 20 January 2012


I am not who i say i am,
Am the guyz who never was, in relaity am my own fantasy
I cant find the real me and have questions surrounding my identity.
who am i?
Who am i? what have i become? where is my path?
Who will hold my hand? how better is my today from yesterday?
Shit. its all the same. "same old shit, just a different day"-this song would apply well in my case.

Truth be told, am empty and hollow.
my business is a mess
Who will fill me up? and like this is not enough,
There is still more than meets the eye!!!!!!!!
I need more than 24 hours a day, i  have to close all my business deals?
I need, i want, i must have everything i think of even before i start thinking it.
Truth be told, am not where am suppose to be.
My business is far behind schedule and i know why
It feel like am Moses from the bible,
who only saw but never reached the promised land.
Am Samson, who fell short of Gods grace and blinded by his desires

I still have a dream like martin Luther king.
That one day, i will find and achieve the will of God in my life
That one day, my names shall be printed in the books of history
 for having built the best business empire
That one day, i will walk and bless you with these same words i speak today.
That one day, on that great day, i will leave this earth a pure man.

Truth be told, we all have something we need to achieve,
some great burning desire/ success/ goal or ambition.
I speak to me speaking to you and hope that we are in this together
life business is expensive and demanding. i can not do it alone.
as a community you, i, we, us, and them, we can.
like the famous quote by my good friend  "RANGO"
Let the truth be told as it is.

Let the truth be told. we have failed more than once,
I have missed to reach my targets. (in fact i should be making biz deals yet am here blogging)
"Failure" and "NO" are powerful words but just hurdles best on the road to success.


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Relationship AND Business

Relationships are too involving and very demanding. 
Based on how you view it, relationships behave more like a tick(dependency)
Women depend on men and in some cases, men depend on women.
Either way, life has to move on and later, the two will move in together (generation Y seems to have forgotten marriage custom). its what i call "partnership"
If they get to survive one another for a year or two, the society will approve and assume your perfect for one another. 
In between, kids may pop out, the family may grow in size and value, 
and many more challenges will come in. e.g paying bills, 
So what does relationships got to do with businesses???????? 

Look at it this way, your business is like your life long partner.
The woman or man you want to be with till death do us part. 
Your business from day one will depend directly on you. by this i mean;
  • Your skills
  • Your money
  • Your sacrifice
  • Your presence to over see development
  • Your time among others.
After dependency comes partnership. Moving in with a woman is like expanding your business,
reinvesting your profits in the business to see it grow. when you do everything right, your home will not break.
Children are like investments made by your business. these should bring you income after some time. 
Remember during all this time you will be struggling to handle bills (mortgage, school fee, child support cost, medical bills, food, clothing, shelter etc) such as staff, insurance, energy, and other overheads. 

Take a good look at yourself and think about your relationship in real life, think about your business in real life,
are you living the dream, or you are struggling like every other person before you.
Are you better off than your parents, grandparents, age-mates, or yourself compared to where you were last season same time? 
What fuels your passion, what drives your decisions, what are you made of. this is a call to action for you my dear friend. don't be like the millions whom taken their great business ideas with them to the grave. you have something, use it. Am addressing you, yet talking to me. 
lets use this simple approach; 
Be compassionate with yourself:
  • Accept that you do not have to be perfect
  • Accept that you are amazing, unique and wonderful, just as you are
  • Accept that you can learn from your mistakes
  • Treat yourself kindly
  • Stop beating yourself up
  • Treat yourself with respect
  • Expect to be treated with respect

have compassion for your loved one/ business/ others
  • Accept that others do not have to be perfect(your business may not be the best)
  • Accept that others are entitled to their own opinions, thoughts and feelings (business trends will vary)
  • Take the challenge to stop criticizing others(don't assume your competition)
  • Experiment with random acts of kindness ( promotions, offers, and other marketing strategies)
  • Refuse to judge or prejudge others (no rushed judgement)

Monday, 16 January 2012


Its been quite a while and since my last blog i have been thinking  big time. what if my Dad, or Mum would show up today and look at my life, would they be proud to see how their Eric has grown big? would i be proud showing them my life? would you be proud to associate with me in such times? my answer is NO. i have done so much over the last 2-7 years and what do i have to show for all that?

  • A degree?
  • My jobless ass? 
  • My struggling business?
  • My broke and empty bank accounts?
  • My lonely self? 

What do i have to offer? am i the investment they made or am just a gamble? this too hard to say and as much as it sounds cruel, i deserve it. we deserve it and you need it more just like i do.
So where am i heading with all this hearty talk? simple!!!!!!!!
your business is your only investment and 2 years from now you should be proud of it.
5 years from now you need to brag about it. come 10 years, you will own and determine the market trend.
that was the plan your parents had when they decided to educate you, love you, make sacrifice for you and train you in the ways of the most high.

You are a product, an end result of years of toil and labor. Your business shares that same sentiments and that is why failing is not an option.
This is a call to action. wake up and rethink about the direction your investment is taking. if you hate it, redesign a new one, but if you love it, share with the world your secret. It is time to think like an entrepreneur and claim your rightful place in the business society.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Our community consists of ordinary people, but with a
difference. We have a passion for creating a legacy,
fulfilling dreams, and reaching goals and i trust you want your business to achieve this too

Wonder how we do all this, here is the deal,
we are a close-knit community leveraging the internet, each
other's success, experience, and creativity to move closer
to our goal with each passing day. we research what is new in the market
give you business trends, and help you grow your customer base

Entrepreneurs are rewriting their own lives.
and so are their businesses. you have this one chance to do it right
make the decision to improve your business.
have better customer care this month, next improve on your product,
then think of building your brand.

The freedom you want is waiting for you. There is a
successful entrepreneur in all of us. Unlock yours.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


I don't know much about you but one thin i can tell is that you would like to start fresh.
your business is the lifeline, the blood, the gas and power that fuels your existence.
the losses and downfall of last year are gone, 
the challenge and potentials 2012 holds lies in what insane targets you can set.

resolutions are far below your standards,
make insane targets. unrealistic objectives, 
plan for your business expansion, staff increment, 
make an extra ksh. 500 daily from your normal sales
make your name popular on peoples lips. 
think the impossible and impossible will happen. 

run away from the common habits. just like what you are doing now. 
that will not get you any further this year than it got you last year. 
expand your mind because you are the only one who can determine the future of your business.
you have the strongest hope to achieve and make tomorrow the best it can be. 

Here are some insane targets for starters:
  • Stop wishing and get on with your plans
  • Quite day dreaming and realize the benefits of actualizing your skills
  • Grow your current market to 30% in a week/two or three.
  • Get a new car for your matatu business
  • Increase your tuk tuk fleet. 
  • loss weight at least. or grow fat -either
  • Own your first car. its cheap.(but fuel is expensive)
  • Settle your ass. become a family person or get a serious relationship. 
  • become a good money manager. if you have a problem with this, you need help.
  • just go insane and make your INSANE target. you have nothing to lose. right?
here is what will happen if i follow you around with a camera for 24 hours 7 days a week. 
  1. you will do everything exactly the way they should be done.
  2. you will give limited if no excuse at all for not achieving your goals.
  3. your lifestyle will change and you you will realize the significant performance.
  4. ****you will end you paying me for the time i spend following your path. ***** don't make me do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in simplicity, with discipline of ACCOUNTABILITY and INSANE targets. you will be the Hercules of your time, the Henry ford,  Larry page, Steve jobs, Eric otieno and the likes of great men in history. think about it.